Data Sheet: Mick Martin

AMBITIONS: To write for a living, to write for fun, to write more, to write better.
GREAT COMICS: Lone Wolf and Cub, Watchmen, Sleeper, Astro City, Moore's Swamp Thing, too many to name or remember in a reasonable amount of time.
FAMILY LIFE: A wonderful girlfriend and three cats who never fail to make life more interesting.
FAVORITE FOOD: Homemade Mac & Cheese.
WHAT I LIKE IN COMICS: Great writing, great art, and the Hulk.
WHAT I DISLIKE IN COMICS: Bad writing, bad art, and Gambit.
FAVORITE CREATORS: Alan Moore, Matt Wagner, Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, Herb Trimpe, Sal Buscema, Steve Gerber, Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Kurt Busiek
IDEAL EVENING: An evening filled with a satisfying amount of laziness, but preceded by enough hard work that I don't feel guilty about it.
Labels: meta, Posts by Mick Martin, twc data sheets
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