Alan Moore Month Update

As Alan Moore Month rolls along here at TWC, I thought it might be fun to dig back into the Galaxy archives and see what Moore comics we've reviewed over the years. Here are the ones I could find:
* Top Ten: The Forty-Niners reviewed by ADD
* V for Vendetta reviewed by Johnny Bacardi
* Promethea #32 reviewed by Pat Markfort
* Voice of the Fire reviewed by Marshall O'Keeffe
* Across the Universe: The DC Universe Stories of Alan Moore reviewed by ADD
* League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century 1910 reviewed by ADD
* Lost Girls reviewed by ADD
* Promethea #20 reviewed by ADD
* Saga of the Swamp Thing HC Vol. 1 reviewed by ADD
* Swamp Thing: Earth to Earth reviewed by ADD
* Tom Strong #15 reviewed by ADD
* Tom Strong Vol. 1 reviewed by ADD
Alan Moore Month Status Report!
Here's a quick guide to all our Alan Moore Month posts so far:
* Christopher Allen on 20,000 Years of Erotic Freedom
* Marc Sobel on The Hasty Smear of My Smile
* Christopher Allen on Alan Moore's Complete Wildcats
* Mick Martin on V for Vendetta
...there's much more Moore to come, too, so check back frequently for Alan Moore Month updates here at Trouble with Comics!
Labels: Alan Moore Month, Posts by ADD, reviews
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