Daily Breakdowns 060 - Galacta

Galacta: Daughter of Galactus
Writer - Adam Warren
Artist - Hector Sevilla Lujan
Publisher - Marvel Comics.
I haven't checked out any of Marvel's free online content until now, and I have to say that while it could be a bit easier to navigate, good job so far. Lots of fairly current stuff is available as well as some random old issues from the '90s, from what I can tell. And while that wasn't the greatest decade for Marvel, it's cool that they're reaching back a bit and offering these surprises.
And they're also offering web-only comics like this one, which gives us a previously unknown, can't-honestly-be-in-continuity-right? daughter of the Devourer of Worlds, who has pretty much the same costume and same diet, but is otherwise a pretty normal teen girl who tweets. Preposterous idea from Warren, but I'll give him credit for getting Marvel to bite. Navigating the story was a little odd: clicking on the next page arrow just brought you through the same page first, sort of panel by panel but not quite, with some panels suddenly larger or smaller without a lot of rhyme or reason. You get the hang of it.
For a sort of cute, girl-friendly story, Lujan's soft, subtly manga-influenced style works well, and Warren can write a quirky teen girl's thoughts without embarrassing himself. That being said, I don't expect I'll come back for more.
In fact, after reading this, I really didn't feel all that much like doing a review. I just wanted to come up with more daughter of/switched gender spinoffs of existing heroes and villains. Alan David Doane came up with Batroca, which actually gave me some actual story ideas. Hopefully Tom Spurgeon won't mind me mentioning a couple of his winners, Heather the Duck and Klawmentine.
Here are some of mine. Hopefully at worst they are stupid but inoffensive.
Lady Ego the Loving Planet
Shang-Chick, Mistress of Kung-Fu
Black Widower
Woman Torch
Male Furies
Nicole Fury & Her Nagging Commandos
Eve Strange
Justice Ladies Auxiliary
Milord Xanadu
Jill of Hearts
Sons of the Daughters of the Dragon
Kravena the Homemaker
Va Vang Voom
Gentlewoman Ghost
Mr. Tree
Sister E
The Confusing Spider-Tran
And since I started this, I can't get the image out of my head of Red Skull with long blonde hair. Wouldn't he be scarier that way?
Labels: Galacta, Posts by Christopher Allen
The Punishette?
Professor XX?
Big Bardus?
The Womandrill?
Hanson the He-Devil?
The Woman-Bat?
Stephanie Strange?
I like The Womandrill and Big Bardus but Stephanie Strange actually sounds saleable.
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