Data Sheet: Matt Springer

NAME: Matt Springer
BIRTHPLACE: East Chicago, IN
AMBITIONS: To be Batman.
TURN-ONS: Solid gags, bleeding heart liberalism, chocolate.
TURNOFFS: Lack of self-awareness, the east coast conservative media, broccoli.
GREAT COMICS: Jack Kirby's Fourth World, The Dark Knight Returns, Giffen/DeMatteis JLI, Box Office Poison, Goodbye Chunky Rice, Scott Pilgrim, Brubaker's Cap, Busiek/Perez Avengers, Grant/Breyfogle Batman, many others (of course).
FAMILY LIFE: Married and living in Orlando, FL with a toddler, one on the way, and a dog who just DROPPED ASS TWO FEET AWAY FROM ME. Fucking DOG.
FAVORITE FOOD: I don't eat.
WHAT I LIKE IN COMICS: Trippy concepts, character-based humor, sharp writing, clever twists, and Batman.
WHAT I DISLIKE IN COMICS: X-treme violence in superhero nostalgia delivery systems.
FAVORITE CREATORS: Grant Morrison, Warren Ellis, Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, Fred Van Lente, Alan Moore, Jeff Parker, Mark Waid, Kurt Busiek, probably others I'm forgetting.
FAVORITE MUSIC: Elvis Costello, the Beatles, Bruce Springsteen, Ben Folds (Five), Art Brut, Wilco, Matthew Sweet, Elton John, Rufus Wainwright, Pulp & Jarvis Cocker, Robbie Fulks, Weezer, the Beach Boys, the Killers, R.E.M., Nina Simone, Bob Dylan, Jenny Lewis, Warren Zevon, Ben Kweller, Steely Dan, Amy Winehouse, Lily Allen, Fountains of Wayne, JEEBUS this list is long.
SHOWS I WATCH: Big Brother (oh stop), Lost, 30 Rock, The Office, Mad Men.
FAVORITE MOVIES (incomplete): Rushmore, Godfather II, Empire Strikes Back (oh STOP), Jackie Brown, Casablanca.
IDEAL EVENING: Tucking in the kid, a good episode of a great TV show (or a good movie) with my wife, reading time, dreaming of Batman.
Labels: Posts by Matt Springer, twc data sheets
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