Thursday Link Party: Alan Moore Dodgems Logic

This week's gonna be mostly NOT COMICS, I fear, but you'll be too busy watching the Macy's parade and eating large fowl to even read this, so who cares, right? It's the last day before a four-day weekend. Let's just go with the flow.
This week's "Man, 4thLetter is awesome" post is from Gavok who defends the recent Franken-Castle storyline in Rick Remender's Punisher run. Gotta say, it sounds like fun creepy comics and I will probably track down the trade.
Are you excited that they're actually making an American Gladiators movie? And if so, can I punch you in the face?
One of the great underrated comics bloggers out there, Pillock, offers a philosophical dismantling of Geoff Johns fans.
Charlie Jane Anders at io9 has a pretty comprehensive overview of the history of media tie-in novels, and a link to a detailed & damning tale (warning: link is to a Word doc) of one helpless writer's treatment at the hands of the Roddenberry juggernaut back in the days before the Great Bird of the Galaxy flew away forever. A must-read for long-time Trekkies who like hearing the dirt behind the scenes.
Bookgasm has a picture-packed report from the Toy & Action Figure Museum in Pauls Valley, Oklahoma. Who knew?
Finally, in case you're sitting at work practically alone like I am and it feels like one of those YouTube days, here's some viewing material...
Topless Robot linked to this short documentary from the late seventies on the "cutting edge" computer graphics used in the original Star Wars.
Part one of a three-part Mike Wallace interview with TV legend Rod Serling from 1959. Click here to see parts two and three. Fascinating stuff.
I realize this has made the rounds two or three times already. It's the Muppet "Bohemian Rhapsody." If you haven't seen it, see it now; if you have seen it, find someone who hasn't seen it, and make them watch it.
I am thankful for the Muppets. Happy turkey day.
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