Thursday Link Party: Alan Moore Knows the Score

More Moore every week in TLP during Moore Month at TWC, and if that's not enough GD acronyms for you, I don't know what to tell you.
You've probably already heard about the passing of Shel Dorf, one of the founding fathers of the San Diego Comic-Con. As Mark Evanier said, losing such a friend to comics is a loss for any friend of comics, so rest in peace, Shel.
Sonia Harris at iFanboy has a great reflection on the history of ads in comic books. I've been re-reading some old Justice League International comics and the difference between the kind of ads that ran even twenty years ago and the ones that run today is jarring. I just wish I could still join the Steven Seagal fan club.
Craig Yoe's Super I.T.C.H. is such a goldmine of great comics stuff that the linkblogger in me wants to keep it a precious secret so that I can impress all my geek buddies with my awesome obscure links. But I can't--you must bookmark this site to find such gems as snell's dissection of a Jack Kirby DC hype ad from the seventies and this collection of off-brand bootleg Batman collectibles from the Batcave Trophy Room blog.
I really liked Esther Inglis-Arkell's argument in this piece on whether superheroes should kill. Great dissection and analysis.
I also really enjoyed the close examination of Chris Ware's Halloween New Yorker cover over at Pretty Fakes.

NOT COMICS: Concept art and walk-through of the Peter Pan Neverland theme park Michael Jackson wanted to build. Crazy.
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